Our Process

DeVol Financial guides individuals as they transition from full-time careers to a more leisurely lifestyle.

Our process involves understanding our client's desires for the future, identifying available resources, building a plan and implementing it. Then we monitor the plan in action over time.


How We Work with You                                                                                

First Meeting: Analyze your present financial situation and identify your objectives. 

Second Meeting: Review the plan that we have developed and provide an investment overview. 

Third Meeting: Create a final plan which reflects the discussion at the second meeting, and integrate the investment portfolio into this plan. The plan drives the portfolio construction. Coordinate your insurance program to be certain that risk has been controlled cost-effectively.

Ongoing: Monitor your situation and progress relative to your changing needs.


How We Are Compensated

Fee: $1,000-2,500 for a plan; $250 for hourly work.

Or we do investment work together. Our services are best utilized with clients with at least $500,000 to manage.

We bring an unbiased, systematic and disciplined approach to your financial affairs in order to help realize the goals you have in mind — specifically, to retire at the earliest possible time while minimizing the risk of catastrophe.